Wednesday 8 August 2012

Tots House National Day Celebration 2012

It's a day before National Day and Jolie's playgroup was having a celebration party. This year's a little different as the teachers wanted a student to do the flag raising ceremony and my Jolie was chosen to be the one to do it! What an honour! So naturally I have to dress her up abit more than usual. Afterall, she's the star of the day!

What luck! My mom found this outfit selling at Chinatown. It's super perfect as it bears this year's NDP theme logo. And it looks cute!

We arrived early so we were able to hang around leisurely, taking photos with her friends.

When it's time everybody lined up, ready to march to the flag pole. Jolie to lead the way!

I had to stand next to Jolie to control her speed. The flag raising must coordinate with the National Anthem being played! The teachers commented that they have never in their life did flag raising. I remember doing it, but I just can't remember when. Primary school? Maybe...

After that Jolie got back in line and we did the pledge.

After that everybody gathered at the void deck and they did some song and dance.I loved singing along to all my favourite National Day songs, but Jolie got very cranky and didn't want to participate in any of the fun. I suspect that she must be hungry. I thought that we would be eating immediately after flag raising, so I didn't give her any breakfast that morning. So I snuck some chocolate biscuits for her, hopefully she can "dong" until it's time to eat.

After some sugar in her system, she felt a little better when I let her take some photos of me. Afterall, it would be a waste not to capture my patriotic T-shirt! Haha...

Check out the massive 5kg cake the chairman of the RC provided! Abit OTT as usual, but the kids sure was excited! They got all the August babies at the party to stand in front of the cake and everybody sang the Happy Birthday song. When it was time to blow out the candles, the kids were so excited that some of them got cake on their shirt for leaning too close!

Jolie sure loved the chocolate cake! Actually, so did I. (I tapao-ed a big box home and ate the whole thing by myself that night. Maybe baby likes it. Heehee...)

We stayed for quite awhile as I didn't have any plans that day, so Jolie had a jolly good time. Happy National Day!

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